Information for Head Teachers and School and Curriculum Music Leaders
If you have little or no music teaching and learning taking place in your school currently then we can supply a musician to cover curriculum music for a term at a time. They will be trained to deliver the core elements of the music curriculum, such as singing, performing, composing and listening, and will receive support and mentoring form us whilst in your school. We will support them at every step, and visit you school to deliver hands on support where necessary, so that you can be assured of the quality of teaching and learning. We can tailor the input that the musicians provide so that we can fill any gaps that your current delivery of the curriculum may expose, or start from scratch. We can also provide instruments to deliver aspects of the curriculum if your school has none or very few.
We can also provide training and support to your generalist class teachers, who may need guidance and support for delivering the music curriculum. There are a variety of different ways that we can provide this, according to the needs of your school. These range from having musicians in your school to give musical teaching and learning a specific and timely boost, to delivering INSET for music curriculum, to providing hands on support from an experienced specialist. We can also consult with Head Teachers and SLT as you audit, monitor and assess where your school may need to improve, and provide assistance in forming an action plan for music.
Please get in touch with us if we can offer you any assistance with the delivery of your music curriculum.